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Auxiliaries | Ministries

St. Phillip AME Church Ministerial Staff
Rev. Dr. Patricia L. Freeman, Pastor
Rev. Alase Woodberry, Local Minister
Sis. Erma L. Johnson, Exhorter


Stewards are responsible for the spiritual and total care of the entire church. They serve as members of the Pastor’s Cabinet as partners in the Ministry. They are committed to shepherding, teaching, exhorting and praying for the sick. They model Biblical truth and harmony as they lead through example. Stewards are also responsible for making sure the needs of the pastor and his/her family is provided for, as well as overseeing the financial obligations of the church. Stewards must be of solid piety, know and love the Word of God, the African Methodist Episcopal Church doctrine, and The Doctrine and Discipline of the A.M.E. 



Trustees are entrusted with oversight of the church’s facilities, legal matters and facility improvements. The Trustees manage all the temporal concerns of the church not otherwise provided for. They shall make improvements upon the property or real estate when authorized to do so by the church. They help set the budget and provide direction for future.



The main function of the Stewardesses are to assist the Stewards in the discharge of their duties relative to the rituals of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Stewardesses provide the implements and elements of the Holy Communion and Holy Baptism. The Stewardesses must take care proper care for sanitizing the ministers’ hands and practicing health-conscious and safety methods in preparing the elements when serving Holy Communion on first Sundays. Stewardesses can and should accompany the Pastor and Stewards when communing the sick.



Class leaders are appointed by the minister and serve for one year and may be appointed as long as their conduct is satisfactory. Class Leaders are to nurture, care, and provide spiritual support and guidance to the members of the church. They are the interface between the ministerial staff and the members of the church. Class Leaders are to communicate regularly with their class members by phone, letter, email, visits or social gatherings. They provide advice and guidance and a listening ear to their concerns and or issues of their class members. A Class Leader signs and recommits annually to being a Class Leader.



The mission of the Church School in the African Methodist Episcopal Church shall be to teach, train, and nurture, adults, young adults, college students, teenagers and children in God’s word; preparing them for Christian service by emphasizing Christian principles.

St. Phillip African Methodist Episcopal Church
815 N. 8th Street, Wilmington, NC 28401
phone: (910) 762-3573  fax: (910) 762-5775
Rev. Dr. Patricia L. Freeman Pastor

© 20 by St. Phillip AME Church. Developed by SC Creative Group.

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